
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Hindu Radicals Attack Prayer Meeting, Injured 3 Pastors

According to Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC), the radicals lodged a police complaint false accusing the prayer host pastor of urinating on the idols of a nearby temple and he was detained; and was released only after the intervention of the GCIC.
GCIC reported that a cottage prayer service was conducted in the home of Siluvai Kumar, a pastor in Kukatpally, Yellama Banda, in the city on Sunday, Oct. 18. Around 40 believers gathered from around 8 p.m., after an hour 10-15 members of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), a Hindu fundamentalist group, known for their anti-Christian stances, barged into the house and started beating up the Christians indiscriminately.
GCIC said during the attack Pastor Phillip, Pastor Timothy and Pastor Siluvai Kumar were badly injured. Pastor Timothy sustained a severe injury on his left ear. The radicals even beat up Pastor Phillip’s wife, Kezia, who is pregnant and is full term, and their daughter Hepziba who is only 18 months old.
Not satisfying with the beatings, the report said, the radicals grabbed all the Bibles they could, tore them and threw them out. They also damaged the musical instruments, drums, metal doors and windows in the house, the report said.
The radicals then dragged Pastor Timothy to the Kukatpally Police Station where they lodged a false complaint against the pastor alleging that he urinated on the idols of a nearby temple. The police detained the pastor.
GCIC coordinator took the injured to the hospital and was at the police station intervening on behalf of the pastors detained. Following this, the police have released the pastor.
Sub-Inspector Sudarshan Reddy of Kukatpally Police Station tried to make a compromise between both the parties and even threatened them with dire consequences if this was repeated, GCIC reported.
According to GCIC, local RSS activists - Jagdesh and Sreenu had warned the pastors against having any prayer meetings in the area. The RSS men had threatened the pastors that if they conducted any worship services there would be a repeat of Kandhamal in Kukatpally. Kukatpally is a main area where RSS activists are being trained and sent across Hyderabad to the outskirts of the city.
Kandhamal is a district in nearby Orissa state where anti-Christian violence in 2008 had killed at least 60 Christians and rendered more than 30,000 homeless, many Christian establishments, stores, churches were destroyed. Many Christians are still living in refugee camps in the district.
GCIC said Pastor Phillip, who sustained internal injuries especially near the cheek has been serving in the slums for the past four and a half years. Pastors Phillip and Timothy’s families have migrated from Gudiwada, Machulipatinam, Krishna Dist, A.P. They are from a Dalit background (Mala community).
Bangalore-based Christian advocacy that is helping the persecuted believers in the country has urged believers to pray for the pastors, their families and for their ministry.
“Please keep Kukatpally area in your prayers, that believers would be protected and that many would come to know the love of Jesus,” it stated.

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