
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Net Neutrality – Something Else Christian Republicans And Fox News Want To Deny Americans

What is it they don’t understand about freedom?
At the most basic level, net neutrality is the principle that Internet users should be in control of what content they view and what applications they use on the Internet; all content on the Internet is equally accessible, and once a person pays for access to the Internet, they alone get to choose how they use it. This means that providers should not be allowed to block access to certain sites or applications, or charge different customers different amounts for services.
Why is it that Christians always want to tell us what we can and can’t do?  Why don’t they want the net to be neutral?  Are they afraid that the American people will be heard and continue to use the internet to fight back against lies?  Are they AGAIN supporting big business like they are for the health care industry and the war they lied to get us into?  Big companies make huge profits under republicans and the American people suffer.
Fox News is against internet neutrality because their lies are exposed on the net.  Without control by big business Fox News will continue to be exposed and the public will start to see them for the liars they are.  You know, like they imply that Obama is Communist, Fascist, Socialist, Marxist, Racist, Muslim, Anti-Christ, Terrorist Supporter and many other things all at one time.  Yeah, some ignorant fools believe it and just can’t figure out how it is a lie….too funny.
Remember, Fox News and their Christian friends sold us the war based on lies that allowed torture.  Remember when those of us that are moral spoke out against those immoral acts?  Christians under the direction of Fox News called us peaceful moral individuals traitors and Un-American.  WTF?
Notice how Fox News now is promoting all the things they were against when Bush was in power.  Remember Bush?  The guy that failed to protect us from 9/11?  Seems he was VERY busy with taking more days of vacation than any other President in our history for his first term.  I guess it doesn’t help if you ignore the intelligence reports.
The internet is responsible for Fox News and the Christian Republican Party losing the recent Presidential election and if they can’t control it then people actually are able to be informed and fight back.
Freedom of speech is yet another freedom Christian want to remove from us.

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