
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Oasis Conference teaches Christians how to reach out to Muslims

Are Muslims becoming followers of Jesus? What is Islam? Who are the terrorists? How do I share the Gospel with my Muslim co-worker? Questions like these will be answered at the upcoming Crescent Project Oasis Conference, reports MNN.

"The nice thing about the conference is that it attracts many Muslims who have become believers in Jesus," says founder and president of Crescent Project, Fouad Masri. "Many of them will be sharing their testimony, sharing life experiences, and sharing how the Christian community impacted them and drew them closer to Christ."

Fasri says America's eyes were opened to the Muslim world on September 11, 2001. He hopes the Oasis Conference will help nurture relationships with the Muslim community by increasing understanding and knowledge of Muslim culture.

"There is a crisis in the Muslim world. And there are two solutions: we can either ignore it and have it come at us over and over, or deal with it," stated Fasri. "Two thousand years ago Christ told us that the situation, not only in the Middle East but around the there is sinfulness, there is murder and there's hate. And the only solution is for people to have a Savior."

Held in Indianapolis, Indiana, practical training and resources will be provided during the 3-day conference. North American believers will see what God is doing in the Muslim community and how they too can reach out to their Muslim neighbors. On Friday, conference attendees will visit a Muslim prayer service.

"As Christians, we feel the responsibility to take the initiative and show love to our Muslim neighbor," Fasri says. "The community of Jesus is different. We are to take the Message in love. We go to the mosque to show love, to show respect, and we want the Christians to hear from Muslims about their concept of worship."

He asks believers to pray for the safety of conference attendees, and pray that more churches will come alongside the Crescent Project in reaching out to the Muslim community.

"Pray for Muslims," he adds, "not only overseas but also in America, that somehow maybe they will see a dream of Jesus, or a vision, but that they will start asking the right questions so they'll experience salvation through Christ."

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