
Friday, October 9, 2009

Why Christian Rehab is Better

When you do finally make the decision to get treatment help for your drug addiction or alcoholism, you are faced with a difficult decision on where to get help. There are thousands of treatment centers vying for your business, and you need to make a decision fast. If you are a Christian, or even if you believe in God, Christian rehab may be the best alternative. Christian rehabs combine the best of secular and clinical therapies with a holistic approach at recovery, that treats addiction as a problem not only of the mind and body, but also fundamentally of the spirit, and one requiring of a comprehensive solution, including spiritual teachings.

Whatever your beliefs are, you cannot deny that we exist as complicated beings, and we all share an intangible spiritual aspect within. Although hard to define or quantify, our spirits make us human, and when we ignore their influence we do not treat addiction in a way likely to have lasting impact.

Secular therapies in Christian rehab

Christian rehabs do not ignore or abandon what has proven effective from scientific studies, and within better Christian rehabs you will receive cognitive therapies, individual counseling and also medications proven to have a beneficial impact on relapse avoidance. Medical science dominates the philosophy of detox, and God gave us self awareness, and a thirst for knowledge for a reason, and we would be foolish to ignore the fruits of our creativity and scientific understanding.

But after detox, and once we have stabilized and recovered from the effects of drugs circulating within, we can finally approach spiritual healing with the clarity of sobriety, and with an open heart to God.

Spiritual therapies in Christian Rehab

For almost a century AA has assisted alcoholics in recovery, using the guidance and strength of a higher power as an integral and necessary part of the program. For Christians, praying to Jesus Christ just makes a lot more sense, makes the 12 steps a lot more relevant, and allows for group and powerfully communal prayers of recovery together.

Pray for Guidance

To ensure lasting healing and peace, you need to make good with Jesus, admit to your wrongdoings in the past, accept that you cannot get better without His help, and pray to Him for strength and guidance. He will help you, He does not want you to suffer through the pains and agony of addiction. He never did.

Study the Bible

All that you need to know to stay sober for life is contained within the Holy Book, and group study of relevant passages of scripture teaches addicts that their problems are in fact problems of the ages, that God understands what they are going through, and that He has already written what must be done for a better life. Having the bible to guide you through life gives you all you need to never drink or drug again.

Christian Therapy

It's not easy, and even when we open our hearts to God, we still face worldly temptation and cravings, and talking through our problems with a trained Christian counselor can help a lot. Christian therapy helps us to understand how we can use God's strength as our own, and to understand how we can walk away from the darkness of abuse, and into the light of God's love.

As with any form of recovery, an honest and open participation in therapies is needed for any real chance at success; but for Christians, entering into a rehab that combines the best of the worldly with the power of the spiritual makes a lot of sense, and may well be the best chance you have at a better life of sobriety.

Learn more about the benefits of Christian rehab:

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