
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Fuel prices set to soar in run up to Christmas

MOTORISTS in Huddersfield are bracing themselves for record fuel bills in the run-up to Christmas.

The RAC said petrol prices could soar past 110p a litre – £5 a gallon – in the weeks leading up to the festive period.

The latest prices rises – blamed on worldwide oil costs and the falling value of the pound – could hit millions visiting family and friends, making those Yuletide trips even more expensive.

It means prices are up more than a quarter on last year when a litre of unleaded fuel cost 87p.

This means filling up an average family car will cost £60.50 – around £12.15 more than a year ago.

Huddersfield fuel expert Chris Stern agrees the year has seen a massive hike in fuel, but believes the run up to Christmas might not be as bad as predicted.

“It’s difficult to predict because if oil prices rise then the petrol and diesel on the pumps will rise accordingly,’’ he said.

“But although we have seen a general movement upwards in the last month I don’t think we’ll see too much in the way of fuel prices increasing in the run-up to Christmas.

“We could actually see a period of stability rather than an increase.”

Mr Stern, of Paddock-based petrol retailer C J Stern (Oils) Ltd, said bottom rate prices on forecourts in the Huddersfield area currently stand at 106.9p a litre for unleaded fuel and 107.9p for diesel.

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