
Monday, December 21, 2009

Mangalore: FMCI Celebrates Christmas with Colourful Events

Mangalore, Dec 19: Fr Muller Charitable Institutions (FMCI) celebrated Christmas in front of the Ashakirana building on its hospital premises in Kankanady on Friday December 18.
Carols, play, mime show, and dance formed a part of the celebration.  The carols were sung in Kannada, Konkani, Malayalam, and English. 
Nursing students acted out God’s message through a play and homeopathic students presented a mime focusing on greed and anti-social activities of humans.

Shrinivas S Kamath, president, Kanara Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI) was the chief guest at the programme and said that FMCI is the pride of the city due to its service to humanity irrespective of caste and creed. 
“With its ‘heal and comfort’ motto the hospital has become a great asset to society and its importance has been understood by the people right at its opening, where it was started with leprosy treatment and has now grown into a humanity service organization”, he said.
Kamath released the bulletin ‘Christmas-2009’. Fr Patrick Rodrigues, director of FMCI, delivered the Christmas message. 
Administrator of Fr Muller Medical College Fr Dennis D’Sa welcomed all. Heads of the institutions and departments and others were present on the occasion.
Staff and students of Fr Muller Homeopathic Medical College, College of Nursing, School of Nursing, homeopathic pharmacy department, and the hospital, participated in singing carols, acting out skits, plays, and mime.  A lucky draw was also arranged.
The students of institutions, children, and the audience enjoyed the arrival of Santa Claus at the end of the programme. 

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