
Thursday, December 10, 2009

Mother needs help pulling off Christmas for kids while working, studying to better family

Being a mother to three little boys is hard enough, but one Florence mother was challenged even further when her husband walked out on their family two years ago.
Since then, she has struggled to pay back her debts and provide for her children ages 1, 5 and 7.
“All my money goes into bills and trying to buy food so they have food to eat,” she said.
As a Florence correctional officer and full-time student at Florence Darlington Technical College she is actively trying to pull herself and her family out of their current economic situation. She will graduate in 2011 and hopes to find a job as a nurse.
Although she has a plan for the future, she worries about this holiday season.
“I just want my children to have a good Christmas and be able to open up toys like the other kids do,” she said.
That is why she is turning to the Salvation Army’s Empty Stocking Fund for help this year.
The Empty Stocking Fund is a joint effort between the Salvation Army and the Morning News to bring Christmas to impoverished families in the Pee Dee.
People who would like to help families struggling through the holidays can donate to the Empty Stocking Fund in several ways:
—By calling the Salvation Army at (843) 662-4461.
—By dropping off toys or monetary donations to the Salvation Army office building at 2210 Hoffmeyer Road in Florence.
—By donating new, unwrapped toys for children through age 12, which will be distributed from the Salvation Army’s toy shop Dec. 22 and 23.
—By giving monetary donations at any Florence BB&T bank branch: 605 S. Irby St., 1831 W. Evans St., and 407 W. Second Loop Road. Checks should be made payable to the Empty Stocking Fund, c/o Salvation Army.
Another way to help the fund make Christmas brighter for those in need is to donate at a Salvation Army Christmas kettle.
People also can adopt a family for the holidays — choosing what size family they’d like to help, whether to provide toys, clothing or food, and then dropping off new and unwrapped gifts the Salvation Army office by Monday between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. Families will be able to pick up gift bags Dec. 22 and 23.
The Drs. Bruce & Lee Foundation will make an initial $10,000 donation to the fund again this year. If the community raises at least $20,000 on its own, the foundation will match it with another $20,000.
An Empty Stocking Fund donation form can be found on page 5A of today’s edition.
Donations to the Empty Stocking Fund to date: Channie Bazen of Florence in memory of Newell Bazen, $25; John Alt Sunday School Class of Florence, $50; Mary and “Jeep” Ballentine of Florence, $50; anonymous, $100; John S. Fair of Florence in memory of Mildred C. Fair, $100; Mary AC Ingram Charitable Lead Unitrust of Florence, $2,000; Robert Reynolds of Florence, $25; ETA CHAPTER BETA SIGMA PHI of Florence, $35; Frances Norris of Florence, $100; anonymous, $100; Mizpah Baptist Church Adult IV SS Class of Florence, $25; Mrs. L.L. Wright of Florence in memory of Mr. L.L. Wright, $25; Judy and Jerry Smith of Florence, $50; anonymous, $100; anonymous, $100; Rich Rogers and Family of Florence, $100; Lalla and Dudley Saleeby, $125.
Running total: $7,760.

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