
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Catholic Church welcomes Anglicans

The Pope has today approved a global institution to received thousands of Anglicans to the Catholic Church.
The move from the Vatican will see the first time since the Reformation that Protestant communities have reunited with Rome.
Pope Benedict's move caught Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams off guard, saying while he knew talks were underway he was not aware until two weeks ago that the plans had been finalised by Rome.
The move paves the way for thousands of Anglicans to move to the Roman Catholic Church. It came after six bishops in the Church of England asked the Vatican to provide a wing of the Catholic Church for them, after they felt disgruntled about the introduction of female bishops and gay ordinations.
Today's move could clear the way for bishops in the Church of England.
Dr Williams said it was still "business as usual" between the two churches.

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