
Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Wary Christmas for NI's economy

Northern Ireland's economic recovery will lag up to four months behind the rest of the UK, according to University of Ulster economist Mike Smyth.

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Mr Smyth said that although Northern Ireland was through the worst of the downturn, the economy "would be fragile in the months ahead".
He said this would mean a "wary Christmas and a bumpy New Year".
Tight public expenditure in 2010 and 2011 would give rise to tough choices for the NI Executive, Mr Smyth said.
"For example, hitherto protected sectors such as health and education will no longer be immune from reductions in the Barnett formula consequentials imposed by London," he said.
"There is also a likelihood that some of the planned capital programmes may be under threat as the pressure to cut spending intensifies."
Mr Smyth was writing in the First Trust Bank Economic Outlook and Business Review.

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