
Friday, October 9, 2009

Christian Drug Rehab - How to Find One You Can Afford

Few things in life bring us closer to God than the devastation of addiction. When we fall so low, and we are so weak, the Lord's power and grace becomes perfect and strong within us; and when we pray with humility for help from the despair of addiction, He will ease our burdens and show us the path.

Christ will help us get through this, and He does not test us with more than we can bear. Once we start living, and recovering with Christ, things will get better in a hurry.

Addiction is fundamentally a crisis of the spirit, and as such it makes perfect and logical sense to approach it with a spiritual solution. Christian drug and alcohol rehabs lead the faithful down the Christian 12 steps to recovery, and allow for a place of serenity and counsel for the very tough period of initial recovery. They work because God works.

But how to find a Christian rehab you can afford?

Thankfully, for those seeking faith based recovery, affordable and even free options exist in great numbers. There are of course more expensive private facilities, that will offer a comprehensive

therapeutic experience in some considerable luxury, but many non profit Christian rehabs operate at very low cost to those in need, and operate only to do good works for the Lord and to help Christians in real need.

They can be hard to find

You may have some difficulty finding these free Christian on the internet. Private rehabs with larger marketing budgets tend to dominate the net, and free or very affordable rehabs, although they are online, are buried so deep as to make finding them problematic.

Ask at church

An obvious place to start your search for rehabs is at your church. Your pastor or minister very likely knows of local options, and if he or she doesn't they can probably find out for you.

Go to a Christian 12 steps meeting

You may also want to search for Christian 12 steps meetings, or even AA meetings in your area. Go to a meeting and ask the always friendly people in attendance of their experiences. The odds are high that someone will know of a drug treatment program that fits your needs perfectly. Go to a meeting anyways, they are an invaluable resource even if you don't find a rehab!

You can find help, and even if you have no money and no insurance, there is a Christian program ready to take you in, provide ministry, and get you better. Look forward to a better life in service of the Lord. You can get better, He will help you, and life will be better.

Find an affordable or free Christian Drug rehab in your area:

Or read the daily blog entry at

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