
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

FIACONA Condemns Destruction of Churches and Demands Withdrawal of Show Cause Notices to Christian Institutions in Karnataka

The Orissa violence against Christians was an immense blow to democracy, to human rights, and to secularism.  Nuns were gang raped, priests were killed, scores of churches were burnt, thousands of homes were torched, and more than 60,000 Christians fled to the jungles to save their lives from Hindu radicals allegedly the VHP, Bajrang Dal, and other saffron outfits.  To protest for these unthinkable and barbaric acts of violence perpetrated against Christians in Orissa, to protest the unimaginable massacre and share the insurmountable grief of Christians in Orissa, to protest the naked violation of human rights and purposeful trampling of the Christian faith in Orissa, all Christian educational institutions across India had called for a day of closure on Friday, August 29, 2008.  Over 45,000 Christian institutions run by various Christian organizations had remained closed to register their protest.

The Karnataka government on a petition filed by the VHP has issued show-cause notices to Christian educational institutions asking them to explain why did they close for one day.  Karnataka primary and secondary education minister, Vishveshwara Hegde Kageri had said that there is no need for Christian educational institutions to protest against something that happened in Orissa. He further said that the government was considering "strict" action against the institutions that "violated the law" by closing down.  Rev Bernard Moras, Archbishop of Bangalore, said the decision by the schools to observe closure was “within the parameters of law”. Mr. Abraham Mammen the National Vice President of FIACONA said.” This is selective victimization of Christians as VHP calls for Bandh at their whims and fancies and no action is ever taken against closing institutions.”

FIACONA is shocked to note that how can show-cause notices be served to Christian schools when their protest was not politicizing but educational in nature.  Rev. Bernard Malik, President of FIACONA said, “Is imbibing the goodness of peaceful coexistence and religious harmony not education? Is recognizing and respecting the rights of other human beings not education?  Is teaching against violence and the supreme qualities of non-violence (Ahimsa) in the land of the Mahatma not education? Why should not Christian educational institutions register their protest to educate their students about non-violence, religious harmony and peaceful coexistence?  Why should not schools educate the fundamentals of human rights by giving the example of the Orissa violence against Christians as a gross and naked violation of human rights?  How can such a peaceful protest by educational institutions where education of the highest values of human existence is thus imparted be issued show-cause notices? Is protesting for religious tolerance, love and harmony not education?"  Christian educational institutions have been playing a noble role in the Indian society since hundreds of years.  It is because Christian educational institutions impart exceptional education for the ultimate benefit of humankind that the outstanding achievements of its students have been well documented in Indian history.

FIACONA is also deeply grieved about the deteriorating situation in Karnataka.  Churches are denigrated, desecrated and destroyed.  Priests and pastors are assaulted, humiliated and beaten.  Christians are insulted, victimized and persecuted even by police.  The Hindu radicals allegedly by the VHP and other saffron outfits perpetrate these abhorred, despicable and appalling acts of violence against peace-loving Christians.  The police and the State machinery are being used to strike fear amongst Christians.  The police is becoming like the religious police of Saudi Arabia with zero tolerance for non-Hindus and Dalits.  The Christian community is being enveloped in a dark and brooding atmosphere of fear, insecurity and uncertainty.

FIACONA notes that the same situation of Gujarat and Orissa, is again arising in Karnataka.  The VHP is systematically and in an extremely planned way eliminating Christians, by falsely implicating them in the name of religious conversions.  Karnataka is known as the Information & Technology (IT) hub of India and with these ghastly events of systematized Christian persecution, FIACONA fears that the inflow of foreign investments may take a backseat.  It needs to be reminded that along with the necessary infrastructure, a peaceful atmosphere is the key to investments.  The incidents of violence and selective persecution against Christians are going up on a daily basis like notices to schools and hundred other incidents.  In such an antagonistic atmosphere, how can foreign countries have faith in the secular fabric needed for the growth of industry and development?  If this persecution goes on, then it may happen that Bangalore may cease to be the IT hub and Karnataka shall become another Gujarat or Orissa.

“Christians are under fire everywhere in India” said Dr. Victor Joseph Chairman Government Relations “and this community is marked for extinction.” Karnataka has had 159 incidents and Orissa has 209 against Christians.  It is going same way, Gujarat first, Orissa next and now Karnataka, ironically all BJP ruled states.

FIACONA condemns violence against Christians by the Hindu radicals allegedly the VHP and Bajrang Dal combine and it should be stopped immediately. 

FIACONA also condemns in no uncertain terms the show-cause notices being issued to the Christian educational institutions of Karnataka and demands that such notices be withdrawn immediately. Karnataka Government should not target Christian educational institutions at the behest of the VHP combine.

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