
Sunday, November 1, 2009

Are Jon & Kate Gosselin still church-going Christians? Jon's Youtube video talks God, Kate's parents

jon gosselin,jon gosselin church,jon gosselin Christian
(AP Photo/Matt Rourke)
With all the recent hubbub about Rabbi Shmuley Boteach allegedly advising Jon Gosselin to dump Hailey Glassman -- news expected to be announced by Jon Gosselin himself at a West Side Synagogue at 7 p.m. tonight, according to the New York Post, (Update: The Insider reports his speech has been called off) some Christians are even more curious as to an update on Jon's Christian church-going talked about in the below video from months ago, which has grown to over 100,000 views.

Does Jon Gosselin still go to a Christian church?

That's what many Jesus followers want to know -- a subject highly searched for, but not readily written about in mainstream media -- leaving fans who fell in love with the Gosselin's Scripture placement around their home and previous Christian T-shirt wearing (before replaced with Ed Hardy wear, and later more subdued garb) wondering.
"[I attend a Christian] Church in my hometown -- I've been there like 5 years. Awesome pastor," Jon Gosselin said in Utah earlier this year, way before the divorce drama enthralled the nation.
Back then, Jon Gosselin spoke of his close relationship with the divine: "I like rely on God totally," Jon proclaimed, describing how depending on Kate vice versa turned detrimental. "We tried to rely on each other, but we always let each other down. Don't ever rely on human because you'll end up heartbroken."
 And ensuing events after the video was posted certainly bespoke of what believers call a "spiritual attack" on their marriage, with what some view as Kate's overbearing nature and Jon's statement on having so many children at a young age combining with an open faith profession to make a "perfect storm" brewing toward divorce court.
Do you think Jon and Kate Gosselin's marriage can be saved? Leave a comment below, please...
And yet, viewers who tuned in to Kate's Monday night TLC confession of perhaps being alone for the rest of her life, and Hailey Glassman's tearful testimony of emotional abuse allegation at the hands of Jon Gosselin still wonder and hold out hope that the same faith they so openly professed can save the Gosselin duo and repair damage.
"We just think that God's been blessing us ever since," Jon said in the below video, speaking of how their belief system anchored their parenting choices in the beginning. "When Kate was pregnant they wanted us to reduce our kids -- but we're like so anti-that. I'm not gonna say it's easy. You're gonna fail. I fail every day. Every day I wake up and say I'm alive. Just do it."
"God will never let you down," Jon said earlier this year. Was it his spiritual ears and advisor that convinced him to let Hailey go?
Or is Jon still dealing with undealt-with grief from losing his father? "My dad died four years ago..."Jon said. "My mom doesn't want to be filmed."
However, he admits that he's really still close to his mother, talking several times per day. "She just wants to restart over with her new husband. My mom texts now, it's crazy. That should be illegal."
As for Kate Gosselin's mom and dad her rumored estrangement from them, the rumors fly about the net as to the reasons why. While Kate's dad is reportedly a minister -- and raised his children perhaps more deeply-rooted in the faith than Jon experienced? -- the only readily available verification out of the horses' mouth (or the horses' mouth's husband) is what Jon has said about them:
"Kate's parents aren't involved. They have 19 grandchildren. They wanted to be like drop-in grandparents. We're like, 'That's weird. Who heard of that?'"
And thus the Gosselin saga continues. Let's all pray for a happier ending.

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